Sleepless and Restless

>> Saturday, December 03, 2005

It's 2:30 am here in the deep south, and tonight, for the first time, I logged on to this beautiful blog started for me by my dear friend Tara Marie, mom to the amazing Miss Emma Sage.

I'm a bit apprehensive about blogging--afraid that for me it might just be blathering. I am certain that beginning this late at night will produce nothing but incoherent ramblings, but I wanted to force myself to begin, and to thank my dear friend who started this whole adventure so I could help share the beauty, joy, and glory that is embodied in my amazing little girl, Maren.

May you always dance....

>> Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Little Miss Magic,,,,,may you always dance and may you always keep a song in your heart and a smile on your face.

Miss Magic
We love you dearly, your bestest friend, Emma Sage and Mommy!

Little Miss Magic.......

By: jimmy buffett
For the noop

Constantly amazed by the blades of the fan on the ceiling
The clever little glances she gives me can’t help but be appealing
She loves to ride into town with the top down
Feel that warm breeze on her gentle skin
She is my next of kin
Chorus:I see a little more of me everyday
I catch a little more moustache turning gray
Your mother is the only other woman for me
Little miss magic, what you gonna be?
Sometimes I catch her dreamin’ and wonder where that little mind meanders
Is she strollin’ along the shore or cruisin’ o’er the broad savannah
I know someday she’ll learn to make up her own rhymes
Someday she’s gonna learn how to fly
Oh that I won’t deny
Chorus:I catch a little more dialogue comin’ my way
I see those big brown eyes just start to lookin’ astray
Your mother’s still the only other woman for me
Little miss magic, what you gonna be?
Yes she loves to ride into town with the top down
Feel that warm breeze on her gentle skin
She is my next of kin
Constantly amazed by the blades of the fan on the ceiling
Those clever little looks she gives just can’t help but be appealing
I know someday she’ll learn to make up her own rhymes
One day she’s gonna learn how to fly
That I won’t deny
Chorus:I see a little more of me everyday
I feel a little more moustache turning gray
Your mother’s still the only other woman for me
Little miss magic, what you gonna be?
Little miss magic, what you gonna be?
Little miss magic, just can’t wait to see
It’s raining, it’s pouring
Your old man is snoring

For My Friend........

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, for in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed. ~ Kahlil Gibran

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