Ah, the end of summer.....

>> Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This summer, I resolved to spend less time on the computer and more time with my own work and with the kids. I think I was quite successful given the date of the last blog post :-). Now, back to reality -- and cyberreality, YEAH.

We had a great summer. Jonah tried skiing for the first time and is now begging for a seadoo boat. Dream on Jonah! But, we will find a place to ski more often next summer. He has started second grade and will make his First Holy Communication around Easter. He is about finished DragonRider, and is looking for more great books about dragons, knights, wizards, and intrigue. I'm so blessed to have an avid reader!

Archie (my would rather throw books than read them kid) has learned to read a bit, and has become quite a little man. Archie Baby is long gone. Well, he still has is Archie-isms: pian-e-o, vessert, porcupines (pincones), and volukus (blokus). He's a hoot that kid! All of a sudden, he likes books and adores puzzles. Who would have guessed??

And, Maren, well, that girl just shines. She is reading her sight words, understanding phonics, and loves going FAST in boats. She is starting soccer, in addition to ballet, this fall. So now, I'll have three kids in soccer. A minivan, a soccer mom....UGH.... I promised I would never become THAT mother. Oh Boy!

So, rather than bore you with all the details of summer, I'll share my two favorite pics. The kids sleeping in the hotel, and the kids ready for some skiing action.

Happy School! Carol

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