Help! Legomania has invaded my house....

>> Thursday, July 10, 2008

I don't what we were thinking when we took the boys to the Lego Store in Downtown Disney (thumps forehead!). UGH... It started with two small boxes, and $200.00 later and with no end in site, Jonah and Archie have become full-fledged Lego Addicts.

So, I'm off to scour ebay and thrift stores, and bum random pieces from friends who kids no longer use them. It is certainly better than a video game house, I suppose, and these pics make me think that there is really something cool about legos.

Check out this guys' site...incredible!

It's not Disney, but we had a blast anyway!

>> Tuesday, July 08, 2008

We needed a vacation. Okay, we wanted a vacation. You see, I have a wandering soul and can't seem to go for more than a few months without a get away. In the past two years, our kids have been to the Grand Canyon and boating on Lake Powell, Skiing in Utah with my sister and her kids, Disney two times, Gatlinburg, Washington, DC, Florida Gulf Coast Beaches a few times, Jonah and Jon hit the World Series in Denver (Go BoSox!), Chicago, St. Louis, and Memphis, not to mention several weekend trips to Atlanta.

And, the wandering bug hit -- but my checkbook was sad. Lo and behold, Universal had a deal for us! Not being one to pass up on a deal or an excuse to escape, we tried the parks just a few miles from my beloved Castle.

Maren was annoyed there were no Princesses, and we had to take her to Downtown Disney just to appease her. And, quite frankly, there just isn't "magic" at Universal the way there is at Disney. But, they had some awesome ride. Maren braved them all -- including Spiderman and Jurassic Park. Archie peed his pants on the Simpson's, LOL, and we have a great story to torment him with for years to come ;-). It was scary, though -- especially the upside down roll and death drop!

My favorite part -- just being away...

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