Pinky Swear and "real" swears...sigh...
>> Wednesday, January 27, 2010
All of a sudden, telling Maren that we'll do yoga together on Monday night after school, or that we'll make pizza together on Tuesday just isn't good enough. I guess I've broken too many promises to the Princess. So, now, when I tell her we'll do something, she makes me Pinky Swear.
Great and cute, right? YES. Until on Tuesday I can't find the yeast and tell her we'll have to have spaghetti instead.
"DAMN!" comes flying out of her mouth.
Should we Pinky Swear to stop swearing?
The life of an 8 year old going on 18!
oh boy... We call it a Pinky Promise since Greta saying "swearing is bad." :-)
Hello, I love this it is so cute and reminds me of my younger brother..... I just wanted to ask you a quick favor. I love your CSS template and i was just wondering were you got it because im really new to this. If you could please try to get back to me that would be great thank you! :)
hmmmm....wonder where she gets THAT?! ;)
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